by Martin Richard
Schrodinger's Dolphin
Some say the dolphin does not exist
Until we see him
That when he wheels between the mountains
And the image of the moon
It is our minds which do the leaping
Not the dolphin.
Others scoff.
Did the dolphin not exist
Before the Greeks encircled their amphorae
With the image of his dance?
The dolphin does not need
And never needed us
To swim and prance and play.
But yes, but yes, they answer!
It is we who have the dolphin conjured
From our love and admiration!
Not so! Not so! Some others say!
The dolphin merely travels as a wave
Beneath them!
Contracting to particulars
When it pleases him to please us
And be seen!
They argue.
The dolphin smiles
He knows he swims all possible paths
A happy few of which we see
But yet he fills completely
The width and breadth and depth the Gulf
Of our Unknowing.