Announcing the second annual Poetry Contest!
An award will be given to the writer who submits for consideration the most outstanding poem within the realm of health, science, or medicine.
The contest will run through the end of September, at which time a group of judges with varied backgrounds including science, medicine, academics, literature, and online writing will be asked to choose their favorites.
All are welcome to enter the contest.
1st prize – the distinguished, and still awkwardly named, 2011 Charles Prize for Poetry, five hundred dollars, and a homegrown cherry tomato from my backyard.
Runner Up - One hundred dollars, and a plethora of plaudits.
Honorable Mention – a commemorative t-shirt, which will be designed based on the words of the poem itself.
The subjects of the poem should involve experiencing, practicing, or reflecting upon a medical, scientific, or health-related concept.
The contest last year was a great success, and I enjoyed reading over 125 unique poems. As an improvement this year I have established this blog to chronicle (with permission) as many of the entries received as possible, both for general enjoyment and to demonstrate the vast talent that exists among those not usually credited with the creative use of language, namely science and medicine people.
I hope this is fun, so have a poetic revelation and then email it to:
drcharles.examining at
Poems should relate to medicine, science, or health.
No more than 2 poems per person please..
You should have the rights to your poem
Use a pen name, your own name, or stay anonymous, it doesn't matter to me.
After a poem is submitted I will contact you about your permission to repost the poem for others to read. If you'd rather not, no problem, you are still entered in the contest without penalty. If you every want me to take down the poem I will without question or hassle.
That's about it for rules, so please enjoy reading and contributing to the Charles Prize for Poetry Contest :)